Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good News, Good Coffee, Cute Jewels

So today was a good day! We had a great report from Peanut's GI doctor. Her EGD went well even though she decided to spit all the Versed out. No inflammation! We will wait to get super excited until we hear the biopsy results.

Bonus on top of that amazing news was the coffee brewed from a Christmas gift from my awesome Mother-in-law......

After we had lunch, I won mom of the year award by taking my little dizzy peanut shopping. Don't worry I pushed her in the stroller since she still had sea legs. I found this cute little Lucky Brand number.
So that was my day! I spent the rest of the evening cleaning, hoping for a showing sometime soon on our house, if not I'd at least like a foot of snow. And no I'm not kidding if I'm gonna freeze my tail off in twenty degree weather I want snow with it.

By the way....check out my other posts this week. I'm doing a 30 Day Photo Challenge.  Fun Stuff!

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