Monday, January 16, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 16 Plus a Generic Update

Fearsomely creative title for this post...don't ya think?

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Well I have no picture for today.....Mostly because I'm a slacker. The last few days have been crazy. It all started on Friday with the power going out. Yes it was freezing and it was out for six hours, basically shot my day. Saturday afternoon, between working two 12-hour shifts we had a showing on the house. Not sure if it was promising yet or not. We were blessed to be able to attend Foundation Class at The Creek on Sunday. Which meant less sleep on Sunday but incredibly worth it. Then today we had another showing, only to find that they didn't like the layout of our house. So I spent the morning cleaning then the rest of the day out of the house. Granted I spent it with two of my favorite people, the Momma and Pop. But laying around in my PJs all day sounded pretty good.

Anywhoo, back to the someone who inspires me. I'm inspired by so many people. Most of them are women. I'm super inspired by my mom for so many reasons I can't even begin to type them. She is simply an amazing woman, full of love, creativity, and generosity. I'm inspired by most all of the women in my family. My mother has two amazing sisters and they are equally amazing Aunts. The love they have for their daughters and the strength they have shown through the trials in their lives have been something to be admired. My Grandmothers are amazing as well. They are two of the greatest women I have ever met. They have encouraged and loved me when I needed it most.

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