Tuesday, January 10, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 10

Yes, I do have a real picture of this fabulous lady, but instead I chose to give you my interpretation. My partner in crime friend K. My kiddos call her Nana although we are no relation other than through Christ. Even saying that, some of the strangest things happen when I'm with this gal. I laugh so hard random liquid (ex. hot chocolate) comes out of my nose. We have participated in spit ball battles, seen powdered donut balls fly through the air, and been involved in wars where gaseous weapons were fired. We have even saved folks from a burning building.

I tell you folks, if you can find a friend like this, hold on to them. Or at least watch them really close. You might end up in the trunk of their car, or worse yet attached on the hood wearing goggles and sitting in a  lawn chair....wink, wink.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

1 comment:

  1. I love the drawing and the fact that you call me friend. A friend that I enjoy being able to fire off a round of powder doughnuts or spitballs at or take pleasure in throwing you in the "boot". We do have a way of walking into strange events, or just being strange ourselves.
    I am blessed and thankful that the Lord chose to place you in my path dear friend.
