Wednesday, December 5, 2012

So....I've been completely and totally uninspired to write. Because of this I've been thinking I should just jump right in with a rambling random update on the D family. Here goes.

My little buddy finally lost a tooth, well two teeth now. This caused some Momma anxiety. First, really I have a toothless kid? Second, How much does the tooth fairy pay?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the D house....and I'm feeling Grinchy.

Mr. D grew a beard. He looks hot! Nuff

I'm getting a MRI of my shoulder tomorrow. Went to the ortho doc and thankfully I didn't pass out this time, but I had pit stains the size of dinner plates and thought I might throw up on his shoes. Yes I took my Momma, I needed someone to hold my wimpy hand.

Peanut has a darn good Christmas list this year, too bad Santa didn't win the Powerball. She has asked for 3 things. Ready? An iPad, A 3D DS, and a puppy. Sorry sister...but your gonna need to revise your list.

I've been trying to escape the Grinchy feeling by haunting the local library and I found an amazing book. Night Road. You've got to check this one out.

So that is enough mindless nonsense for now. Hopefully I'll have something a little more cheery soon!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Really, it's been six months?

It's been a while, about six months (to the day, in fact) since I've been here. Which got me to thinking, what exactly have I been doing for the last six months. It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting in our house worrying wondering about what the future held for the four of us.

Well, in case you didn't know. The D family picked up and moved shortly after my last post. Not too far away, but far enough to change zip codes and make it now long distance to call my momma. I wasn't super thrilled with that, but after some times of reflection, I know that we are exactly where God wanted us to be! Hopefully sometime soon I can share the story of how Mr. D figured that one out.

We love our new house and are trying to find our way in our new neighborhood. Leaving our former neighbors was really like leaving family. I've learned in the past couple of months that the four of us being together wasn't the only thing that made our last house a home. It was the wonderful relationships that we had built over seven years with the people that shared the street with us. I'm hopeful that those friendships won't end and very hopeful that we can build new friendships with the people we live near now.

Over the last six months I haven't abandoned the computer all together. I have become obsessed with Pinterest. So much so that I am currently trying to stay away from the site so that I can actually do something productive with my time.

Many other things have happened over the summer, which I enjoyed immensely.  We spent a ton of time at the pool. I watched my hubby try to grow grass in our back yard all summer and then he watched me near hyperventilate when we got a water bill. My little buddy turned seven and the first of August he got on the school bus and went off to first grade. Sister summed it up when she said, "I miss when Bubby was six." I miss it too sister, more than she knows.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God's got this

So I thought that I didn't have anything to write about.....I was wrong. Bear with me this may be long winded.

Early in the weekend while working with a friend of mine, we were discussing some random things and I was telling her that my heart had been really heavy for some friends. I told her how I was feeling so down and sad. She suggested that I journal my thoughts. Not like "Dear Diary" but more like a prayer journal. I didn't. I should have, because my heart has continued to be heavy. Even as I have lifted those people up in prayer, I still can't shake this broken hearted feeling that I have.

So this morning I got yet more news that caused my stomach to decide that the best place for it was upside down and in my throat. I happened to be on my way to do some grocery shopping. Bad idea, the store was fairly quiet, which made things even harder. I pushed my cart through the store fighting back those stinging tears and tried to suck what snot was leaking out of my nose back into my head before it dripped on the milk. Then of course Mr D calls me and the tears just break loose. Now I definitely look like someone who escaped loony bin.

Then I said it (not sure if I said it out loud)
"God's got this"

So here I am all "Dear Diary".....My friends are hurting, my heart hurts for them. I have peace in knowing that when our hearts hurt Jesus is there. When we are at the top of peaks He is there. When we are in the valley He is there. I'm so thankful that I have a friend who is there and does all of this for me. I hope and pray that Jesus can take me and use me to be a friend like these phenomenal ladies deserve. I'm gonna try real hard to not cry anymore today, but to pray instead. If you made it to the end of this post (I'm amazed, it's not easy to follow) I'll ask you to pray for a few gals that need the prayer. God will know who they are.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I have not been missing in action, I have been so hopped up on Green Mountain Coffee Nantucket Blend that my that my brain cannot keep up with my fingers to type any thoughts that come to me. And truthfully, I've not had anything I can get excited enough to write about. 

The last few weeks have found me... getting sucked into reading a new series of books. Well, new to me. Karen Kingsbury's The Redemption Series. They are easy, quick reads. I've been loving getting lost in the world of the Baxter's. It's been a nice escape. Spending too much time in the dentist chair, thanks to that $1 box of Mike and Ike. Cleaning. Putting together puzzles with the kiddos. Volunteering at the school.

I imagine that posts will become less frequent over the next month or two, we have some big going ons in the family. I will hopefully squeeze in some time real soon to let you all know what's going on, but for now we just asks for prayers that the transitions in our lives go smoothly and that the Lord will provide peace for MrD, myself, and the kiddos. 
(Nothing bad just changes and if you know me at all, you know how well I do with change. And NO Mr D and I aren't expanding the family)

I do have some exciting things that I hope will keep my little fingers typing away in the spring and summer. But for now, just like nature, I'm going to take a little time to let my roots rest and get ready for all the beautiful changes about to begin.
Lots of love,

Monday, January 30, 2012

January...Where have you gone?

So this morning after dropping my little buddy off at school the sister starts in on "When is summer coming?".  She has asked no fewer than 5 times in the last two weeks when we can go swimming at Uncle Kevin's house. So as I am trying to calculate how many more sleeps it will be until summer is here. I realize that January is almost over. It's kind of depressing. We haven't had a snow storm here yet. Our house is still on the market. And I'm way behind on some of my goals.

That being said. This month has had quite a few good great things. We have had 6 showings on the house, one really low offer. But still faithful in knowing God has a plan for us and where we are going.

 I got put on-call. I bought some super cute work shoes.

We spent an afternoon at the Superbowl village.

Mr D and I officially became members at The Creek.

I dressed up like a cowgirl and spent an entire morning with my favorite cowboy and a bunch of other kindergarten children.

I haven't done such a great job on my "goals". I'm still not super stretchy or limber. I have however connected with a dear friend and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with her gorgeous face. I have read my bible on a almost daily basis. (I'm on track with my reading plan). I didn't finish my 30 day photo challenge. But hey I did a pretty decent job.

I have given in and started buying things I've been wanting for a while for the house. Just bought all new bedding. And contrary to Mr. D's belief that these puppies only existed in the 80's, I found one and love it.

So...How has 2012 been treating you?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 29

This picture makes me smile for several reasons. The memory of this day and how awesome the kids thought it was to have mommma paint a smile face on the wall. It's a classic example of my marriage too. I thought it was silly and not a huge deal, the hubs was all "You'll be able to see that once we paint over it". There are days I wish that were true. Just like in this picture the smile is faint, you have to look to see it. I think life is that way sometimes too. Sometimes the smile isn't just standing there right in front of you, but it's there if you really stop and look....

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Saturday, January 28, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 28

I don't know where this comes from but yes white vans freak me out. I am most freaked out by the one's without windows. Just creepy!
White Ram Van
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 24

Something I wish I could change would be diabetes. I wish I could forget it. I wish it didn't exist. But one thing I couldn't live without would be my pump.

Day 24 A picture of something you wish you could change.

Monday, January 23, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 23

OK this isn't my nook, but it was too hard for me to pick a favorite book. I love love love to read, and every time I read a new book it suddenly becomes my favorite until I read another. Some of my favorite titles are What Dreams May Come (although I liked the movie better), Shelter Me (sad, but worth the read), Twilight series (need I say more?),and Belong to Me.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 22

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Yoga  Playing the Piano  Cooking
Blogging  Singing  Gardening
Sewing  Photography  Saving Money

Saturday, January 21, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 21

I don't have a picture of something I would like to forget.
 There are lots of things in my life that have sucked, but in each of those I have been brought closer to God and to the place where He would have me to be.
I'm a firm believer in the saying that everything happens for a reason, and in my own life I don't need to know the reason, I don't need to forget it. Mistakes are made in order to learn. Tragedies happen in life and we may never know why, but they do teach us about ourselves and others, and if we listen closely enough they will teach us about the love that Jesus has for us.
Just as I'm sure that Joseph would have loved to forget that he was pushed into the well, sold into slavery, or put in prison, he learned that even in the darkest of places, God could see him.
Even in my darkest places and in times of embarrassment or regret, I know that God sees me and wants me to know that He is there. He wants me to learn and to turn to Him, and that is something I hope to never forget.

Friday, January 20, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 20

I've been to Disney World several times and always can't wait to go back. I guess right now in my life I would love to go a lot of places, but I would pick a place where we can all have fun and magic together as a family.

Walt Disney World
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Thursday, January 19, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 19

Day 19 - A picture and a letter
A letter? What kind of letter? Like an ABC letter? Like a Dear Ann letter? I don't know so I'm gonna go with the ABC kind of letter. Drum roll please.... The letter I pick is T. I pick T because it is the initial that my mother in law used for all three of her boys. I used it 4 times naming my son. And because a little t reminds me of a cross. So friends today is brought to you by the letter.....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 18

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

OK, so we are friends right?
I hate to tell y'all this but I have a only a few select peeps that I would share what my biggest insecurities are, let alone post them for all to see. Therefore this post will be sans pictures.

But I will share with you a couple things that I am absolutely not insecure about.

1. My teeth. More specifically my bottom teeth. They are not in a perfect straight line. In fact they are far from straight, even though I spent an obscene amount of time in braces. I think that they give my smile character. My top teeth are a different story all together.....

2. My stretch marks. The lower half of my belly is covered in stretch marks. They go side to side and up and down. I didn't realize I had stretch marks when I was preggos, couldn't see below my belly button and Mr. D didn't have the heart to tell me. But I can tell you that if I could have another baby I'd take triple the stretch a heartbeat.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 17

I would absolutely say that having our house on the market has had a huge impact on my life recently. From packing to unpacking, house hunting, cleaning, showing, crying with excitement and crying with frustration. After about 5 months now of being on, off, and back on the market, I feel really serene. I've learned how to get the house in tip top shape in no time flat for a showing. I've  learned that I am in no way in control of this situation. It is kind of scary to think I'm not sure that we will be living here much longer, or to not know if our dream house will still be available for us to buy. It's all God and right now I'm OK with that.

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Monday, January 16, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 16 Plus a Generic Update

Fearsomely creative title for this post...don't ya think?

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Well I have no picture for today.....Mostly because I'm a slacker. The last few days have been crazy. It all started on Friday with the power going out. Yes it was freezing and it was out for six hours, basically shot my day. Saturday afternoon, between working two 12-hour shifts we had a showing on the house. Not sure if it was promising yet or not. We were blessed to be able to attend Foundation Class at The Creek on Sunday. Which meant less sleep on Sunday but incredibly worth it. Then today we had another showing, only to find that they didn't like the layout of our house. So I spent the morning cleaning then the rest of the day out of the house. Granted I spent it with two of my favorite people, the Momma and Pop. But laying around in my PJs all day sounded pretty good.

Anywhoo, back to the someone who inspires me. I'm inspired by so many people. Most of them are women. I'm super inspired by my mom for so many reasons I can't even begin to type them. She is simply an amazing woman, full of love, creativity, and generosity. I'm inspired by most all of the women in my family. My mother has two amazing sisters and they are equally amazing Aunts. The love they have for their daughters and the strength they have shown through the trials in their lives have been something to be admired. My Grandmothers are amazing as well. They are two of the greatest women I have ever met. They have encouraged and loved me when I needed it most.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 15

The Nutcracker at Lincoln Center
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die 

Someday....I would love to see this. Isn't it every girl's dream to be a ballerina?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 14

I never want to imagine my life without these three people....
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Friday, January 13, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 13

It was just too hard to pick one....from left to right top to bottom.
Phil Coulter
Tom Petty
Foo Fighters
Tim McGraw
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

Thursday, January 12, 2012

30 DaY Photo Challenge Day 12

Day 12 : A picture of something I family as depicted by Peanut, age 4. Darby is even there in the top right corner :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 11

I hate eosinophilic esophagitis
Day 11 A picture of something you hate.

 Very high magnification micrograph of eosinophilic esophagitis


This morning when I was driving home from school drop off the topic of conversation on the radio was that of Tim Tebow. I don't know much about the guy. I'm a foot ball fan, but had somehow missed who this guy was for awhile, until our pastor mentioned him a few months ago. Now you can't turn on the news without hearing about it or people and their opinions on "Tebowing". So if everyone can give their opinion on it so can I......

It started this week when Wyatt brought home a book from school. The teacher puts these books together and they include kindergarten versions of special events. This last one was the story of Thanksgiving. Now Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday to celebrate. I love the time of year, I love the food, I love the idea of everyone coming together celebrating each other and giving thanks. I also love Thanksgiving because my family has a special connection to the first. I have a (to many to count) Great Grandfather, John Howland, that was on the Mayflower and signed the Mayflower Compact. That trip was made so that those folks could worship in the way they wanted to....not the way somebody told them to.

I think if Tim Tebow should want to worship, give thanks, praise God, or spread the Word. He should be allowed to do so as he wants. Just as I feel that if my child wants to pray in school he should be able to. We as a country accommodate everyone and everything. We bend over backwards to make sure our "freedom of speech" is protected. I love that people are talking about him and the the whole act of "Tebowing". Maybe just maybe some young child who is scared of what his friends will think will see how cool Tebow is. Regardless of what team he belongs to and even though I am a "blue" blooded Colts fan, I know that Tim Tebow and I are on the same team.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 10

Yes, I do have a real picture of this fabulous lady, but instead I chose to give you my interpretation. My partner in crime friend K. My kiddos call her Nana although we are no relation other than through Christ. Even saying that, some of the strangest things happen when I'm with this gal. I laugh so hard random liquid (ex. hot chocolate) comes out of my nose. We have participated in spit ball battles, seen powdered donut balls fly through the air, and been involved in wars where gaseous weapons were fired. We have even saved folks from a burning building.

I tell you folks, if you can find a friend like this, hold on to them. Or at least watch them really close. You might end up in the trunk of their car, or worse yet attached on the hood wearing goggles and sitting in a  lawn chair....wink, wink.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

Monday, January 9, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 9


There really isn't a picture of the person who has gotten me through the most in my life. But this picture represents what He has done for me. I thought about people that I am surrounded by that have gotten me through so many things, my hubs, my family, my friends, but really all these people were put in my life by Him and used by Him to help me along my path. So reality is.... Jesus has gotten me through it all.

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 8

This makes me laugh every time....

Photo courtesy of my little buddy and his budding photography skills
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 6

Because who wouldn't want to be a princess for a day?

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day