Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

 I'm writing this a bit early because I'll be toiling away at work. I'm not making any new year resolutions, I try every year and fail miserably.  I do have a few goals that I am going to set for myself....wink wink.

1. Not to feel guilty if I fall behind in achieving one of my...ahem...goals.
2. Mr D and I want to sell our house.
3. I would like to become more limber, like those yoga peeps.
4. I'm going to recycle more. This gal at work literally has like one bag of trash a week for her entire family. The main reason for setting this goal is so that I don't feel so guilty when we visit the zoo.
5. I'm going to be a better friend and call/text/visit more often with the fabulous gals in my life that I don't get enough time with.
6. I'm going to do a better job at reading and memorizing scripture.

Any one have any awesome goals for 2012?
If you do I sincerely wish you the best of luck.


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