Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Today I...

put the pillow over my head when the hubs was being so seriously annoying giving me time updates every 30 seconds that I needed to get out of bed or I'd be late getting our buddy to school (we actually ended up being 8 minutes early, so there).

let peanut eat Christmas cookies for breakfast (see above, Momma was a tired pup).

ran errands after school drop off. I wore Mr. D's clothes and a massive amount of bobby pins to keep the rat's nest in check; peanut wore a Christmas nightgown, halloween pants, and her twinkle toes.

sang happy songs in my head that school was over today, tried not to sing them out loud. I don't want my kids to have some kind of crazy thought that school isn't as fun as being home and sleeping in. I know it's a stretch, but I want them to be successful so that they put me in a nice nursing home when the time comes.

was late picking my little man up from school because I sat here and played with fonts.

let the kids have free reign decorating the yummy cookies we made yesterday. Then spent an hour scraping icing off most of my kitchen.

laid on the bed with peanut and the pooche while we talked to Mr. D during the middle of the day.

thanked Jesus. We have a showing on the house tomorrow.

stopped working on this post in order to clean like a lunatic in preparation for tomorrow.


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