Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Things have been super crazy around here lately. Will fill in the blanks another day, but I wanted to share with everyone our new miracle. When I say new I mean a new addition to the big family I posted about here. My cousin Andy and his beautiful fiancee Dana welcomed a bundle of joy a week ago this past Monday. I know you're thinking 'Geeze, isn't your family used to people having all the time.' Well this baby is kinda special.
I wont dive into all the crazy details, by no means am I an expert. During the middle of the Dana's pregnancy she was told that her baby has trisomy 18. Trisomy 18 is a genetic disorder. These kids can have a multitude of problems and half don't survive the first week of life.  Well today Zander Jackson Carter is 10 days old. Last week when I went up to see the little guy the doctors were saying they couldn't find anything on the little booger that wasn't normal.
Praise God was all I could do. Well that and cry. He is so super cute and tiny. What a miracle. I can't wait to hold him, and don't think I wont elbow my mom to be able to hold him first. OK I'm kidding she could totally knock me out. This tiny little baby is proof positive that God answers prayers, for that I'm thankful.

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