Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm so full

Black Friday?  Not this year. I decided that since the hubs has to work today the kiddos and I would stay in our PJ's as long a possible.  Check.

 I'm still feeling super full. Not just from the 19 pounds of turkey along with enough stuffing to feed around 20 people, but full with a feeling that is anything but black. Yesterday was a feast of food and a feast of love. I would definitely say this was my favorite Thanksgiving yet. It was a day spent with lots of little things. We showed our family the new house, even though it's empty and technically not ours yet. We finished a puzzle that Wyatt and I have been working on for days. We lit candles and sang for my Dad's 61st birthday. I got to see my brother and it's been months since that happened. I got to see how happy it made my Dad that my brother actually came. I watched Trent and Wyatt look through toys books like they were both six. I spent time with just "the girls" shopping in the late afternoon. (Deep down I do not like the idea of supporting a store that believes we can't just take a day to be thankful for what we already have, but I went anyways.) I ate ooey gooey pumpkin cake, cauliflower salad, green bean casserole and homemade dressing, foods that I swear I could eat everyday and never get tired of.

Today is shaping up to be just as good. Wyatt and I started another puzzle as soon as we got up this morning. I actually got the coffee maker to make me a cup of coffee (I swear the stupid thing hates me).  The kids and I are going to get dressed and go to Grandma's house and help decorate the tree. We will sit down and write our letters to Santa. This evening and we will take them downtown to drop in the mailbox and watch the tree lighting. I think the only thing that would make me feel sappier in the holiday spirit would be a little snow.

Hope you all had a Thanksgiving that was full with really good "little things" and maybe even a few "big moments".

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