Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I may have packed my patience

So here we are in the middle of October, all settled into our school routine We are enjoying fall festivities like the pumpkin patch and apple orchard.  Getting our Halloween costumes ready and wearing them everyday....because when you are four or six you can do that.

OK so most of the above is true....we've done all of these things, but on top of all of the "fun stuff". We have sold our house and bought a new one. Stress? Oh heavens no. In my organized household we pack like this....

Aright then now back to reality....My house is chaos. I have crap everywhere, except where it needs to be. I have packed almost everything anticipating that we will be closing in less than a week.....then BAM "Oh I'm sorry but your closing is being pushed back almost three weeks".

My kitchen is running on the bare essentials. I have packed most of the toys only leaving things that are usually stored in totes. I cleaned out my closet thinking I only needed about 10 days worth of clothes and boxed up the rest.

Well then....enough of my complaining, because really it's not all that bad and actually kind of fun. I'm  definitely being shown I don't need as much as I have and that is making me thankful for all that I do have. I have felt unbelievably blessed that this whole process has gone as smooth as it has. I'm still leaning on the Lord to lead me along this path, and if I can find where I packed my patience I will do my best to use it.

1 comment:

  1. Your closing was pushed back 3 weeks??? Whoa. I wish you the best of luck 'til then. I did just so happen see your house - how lovely and perfect!! So happy for you, Beth. :-)
