Thursday, August 11, 2011

One day my bed could be empty....

I wake up this morning.....early. Both kids are in bed with us. Ava Elise right in the middle, Wyatt at the foot, Travis on his side of the bed, and me hanging off the edge of the bed with zero covers. This is starting to become the normal way I am awaken from a deep and much needed sleep. I practically fall out of the bed trying not to kick Wyatt or disturb Ava Elise and Travis. For a slight moment I'm jealous, even the dog on her bed laying on her back looks so peaceful. The moment is so brief I can barely remember it. I move myself to the couch, for the fourth time this week and house is quiet and my family is peaceful. I find myself very thankful and quickly fall back asleep. I wake up a couple of hours later when everybody else in the house is waking up and starting their day. Travis tells me he has already talked with the kids once again about sleeping in their own bed. A conversation that might as well be on replay throughout the last 4 years.
I don't tell Travis, but our moments of being jealous for a good nights sleep in our bed without a battle for blankets or sparring for space are so silly. I reminded myself this morning, when my patience was short and my caffeine level high, that what I have should be cherished. I know that my life isn't the ideal for everyone, but it's my ideal and I'm so grateful for the little being sleepless in a crowded bed with the people I cherish most in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I like this title & the thought behind it. I know I'd need the reminder if I had kids. My sister has five children, so I know some of the struggles pretty well. Anyway, I saw your profile on the blog guide post for new blogs, & I also love having the windows open! :)
