Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My vent...Not the dryer kind, you know, the rambling kind

So I've been away a while now missing in action. And by action I mean completely immersed in life and family. I wish I could say I'm sorry about it, but I am absolutely apologetically not in the least bit sorry. 

This morning I'm up early, which has kind of been the norm here lately. The house is quiet and I've had a ton of stuff on my mind lately. I've been thinking that I should take a journey here and revisit my little place and now seemed like as good of a time as any. So here I am.

I want and need to preface this post by saying that I am not perfect....no one is. We all have a Teacher who is without blemish and I prayed to him before I even started typing that what my fingers type on this screen wouldn't be foolish. So here goes....

"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” 
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.”
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  
Maya Angelou

These three quotes pretty much sum up how I have been feeling lately. They also have been pushing me to improve myself and my attitude. 

I love the last quote about how you make people feel and after reading THIS POST I was reminded that it isn't just the words that flow from my mouth but also my posts....here, Facebook, twitter, you name it. 

I don't want words and posts out in the world that my children may someday find and think, What was my mom doing or thinking? She is complaining constantly about motherhood. When I'm a picky eater she is complaining. When life is difficult she is complaining. When I'm crying she is complaining. My two may not think that now, but if they could read my posts what would they think and learn as they grow, get married and learn to parent. Are they seeing that when I'm frustrated I turn to Facebook  Are they learning that when life gets difficult you go to social media to look for validation or do they see me looking to Jesus and the Word? Do they see that I complained to my hundreds of "friends" about how tired and scared they were? Do they see posts made when I should have had hands busy rubbing backs and soothing little ones that grow to fast and instead I was typing away on my phone? 

We are constantly connected without a hard stop built into place to force us to ask ourselves important questions before we click share. Important questions like, 
How does this make the world perceive me? It may not be who I think I am but please refer to the quotes above. 
How does this show the world who I am and how does it reflect on my spouse and my children? 
And lastly but most importantly, does what I am typing show the Light that my King lit in my soul when I accepted Him as my Savior?
So I'm going to try and do better and I sure hope some of my "friends" do too, because I sure am tired of all the griping....and that's my gripe 

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