Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God's got this

So I thought that I didn't have anything to write about.....I was wrong. Bear with me this may be long winded.

Early in the weekend while working with a friend of mine, we were discussing some random things and I was telling her that my heart had been really heavy for some friends. I told her how I was feeling so down and sad. She suggested that I journal my thoughts. Not like "Dear Diary" but more like a prayer journal. I didn't. I should have, because my heart has continued to be heavy. Even as I have lifted those people up in prayer, I still can't shake this broken hearted feeling that I have.

So this morning I got yet more news that caused my stomach to decide that the best place for it was upside down and in my throat. I happened to be on my way to do some grocery shopping. Bad idea, the store was fairly quiet, which made things even harder. I pushed my cart through the store fighting back those stinging tears and tried to suck what snot was leaking out of my nose back into my head before it dripped on the milk. Then of course Mr D calls me and the tears just break loose. Now I definitely look like someone who escaped loony bin.

Then I said it (not sure if I said it out loud)
"God's got this"

So here I am all "Dear Diary".....My friends are hurting, my heart hurts for them. I have peace in knowing that when our hearts hurt Jesus is there. When we are at the top of peaks He is there. When we are in the valley He is there. I'm so thankful that I have a friend who is there and does all of this for me. I hope and pray that Jesus can take me and use me to be a friend like these phenomenal ladies deserve. I'm gonna try real hard to not cry anymore today, but to pray instead. If you made it to the end of this post (I'm amazed, it's not easy to follow) I'll ask you to pray for a few gals that need the prayer. God will know who they are.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I have not been missing in action, I have been so hopped up on Green Mountain Coffee Nantucket Blend that my that my brain cannot keep up with my fingers to type any thoughts that come to me. And truthfully, I've not had anything I can get excited enough to write about. 

The last few weeks have found me... getting sucked into reading a new series of books. Well, new to me. Karen Kingsbury's The Redemption Series. They are easy, quick reads. I've been loving getting lost in the world of the Baxter's. It's been a nice escape. Spending too much time in the dentist chair, thanks to that $1 box of Mike and Ike. Cleaning. Putting together puzzles with the kiddos. Volunteering at the school.

I imagine that posts will become less frequent over the next month or two, we have some big going ons in the family. I will hopefully squeeze in some time real soon to let you all know what's going on, but for now we just asks for prayers that the transitions in our lives go smoothly and that the Lord will provide peace for MrD, myself, and the kiddos. 
(Nothing bad just changes and if you know me at all, you know how well I do with change. And NO Mr D and I aren't expanding the family)

I do have some exciting things that I hope will keep my little fingers typing away in the spring and summer. But for now, just like nature, I'm going to take a little time to let my roots rest and get ready for all the beautiful changes about to begin.
Lots of love,