Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Just some randomness for your day.

It's snowing.....now I like snow as much if not more than anybody I know.  If it's going to be cold I'd prefer snow. But it's spring break and I want us to get out and play, I'm ready for thunderstorms, buds on the trees, chirpy birds, and open windows.   

My dryer broke. 
More precisely the switch that turns the dryer on broke.  So I stopped doing laundry during the day.  I waited until Mr. D came home from work and I would ask him to turn on the dryer. So after a week, he ordered the part and came up with an short term fix.
I'm a lucky lucky girl! 

I finally got around to making my curtains.  I've been looking at this fabric for forever!  Just decided to jump in and do it. Shocked myself with how awesome they are. They still need hemming and I've got about 10 more yards of fabric to buy so that I can finish up the rest but so far so good!

like I said....random